P.O. Box 931
Southbury, CT 06488
Email: [email protected]
Member Towns
The special meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority was held on Monday February 13, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Monroe Town Hall.
Commissioners Present: Absent:
Frank Cavallo
John Downs
Jerry Kozera
Bill May, Treasurer
Barbara McWilliams
Lesley Pires
Mark Saksa
Dick Speer
Call to Order
Treasurer Bill May called the meeting to order at 6:09 pm.
Roll Call/Sign-In
All members were in attendance for the special meeting.
Introduction of Guests
Dennis Lawler from Newtown attended with interest to join the LZA. He is currently in the application process with the Newtown First Selectman’s office.
a. New BusinessCorrections to the February 2023 minutes
A motion to reaffirm Barbara McWilliams as Vice Chairman according to the legal January 10, 2023 vote was made by Dick Speer, seconded by Lesley Pires, motion was passed unanimously. A motion to strike the correction requested by Gary Fillion to the Secretary’s report in the February 07, 2023 minutes was made by Barbara McWilliams, seconded by Dick Speer, the motion was passed unanimously.
b. Nominations / Voting
A motion for Vice Chairman Barbara McWilliams to ascend to Chairman as directed in the bylaws was made by Dick Speer, seconded by Frank Cavallo, the motion was passed unanimously. There is now a Vice Chairman vacancy.
c. Orderly transition between incumbent officers
Treasurer Bill May reported he received LZA records from Gary Fillion and has begun reviewing them. He encouraged members to review the reports and maintain organization and consistency through the new transition. Recognition of service to prior members and patrol officers will be arranged.
d. Implementation of Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws are six years old and need to be readdressed for better interpretation. A bylaws committee was formed with commissioners Lesley Pires, Bill May, and Barbara McWilliams. Mark Saksa recommended contacting a town attorney to preapprove edits to the Bylaws Committee.
e. Review of missing committees
The missing committees that need to be filled by multiple members immediately are Legislative, Budget, Public Relations, Marine Patrol, Water Quality, Lake Use and Special Events Committee, and Bylaws Committee. Members discussed the need for support on these committees. Votes to fill the vacancies are scheduled for the next regular meeting.
f. Electronic Attendance Policy
A motion to allow electronic attendance to hold quorum and vote was made by Lesley Pires, Seconded by Bill May, the motion was passed unanimously. Article III, Membership, of the bylaws will be updated.
g. New Boat Committee
Barbara McWilliams stepped down from the new boat committee, leaving a vacancy. A motion to nominate Dick Speer as the Chairman of the new boat committee was made by Lesley Pires, seconded by Mark Saksa, the motion was passed unanimously. The new boat committee includes Marine Patrol Coordinator Dan Semosky, Driver Mike Gibbons, Jerry Kozera, Frank Cavallo, Bill May, and Dick Speer. John Downs reminded members that the committee should follow Robert Rules of Orders, and each committee should report on their proposals and communications to the board each month, followed by a vote. A conversation regarding the need to replace the second boat and balancing funds towards both boats was redirected to the new boating committee members to discuss, with reporting expected during the next regularly scheduled meeting.
A motion to adjourn was made by Dick Speer and seconded by Frank Cavallo. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:43pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lesley Pires
The minutes are not considered official until approved at the next regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority to be held on March 7, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Newtown Community Center.