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Meeting Minutes November 2, 2021

Lake Zoar Authority

 P.O. Box 931

Southbury, CT 06488

Email: [email protected]

Member Towns


The regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority was held on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 7:00 pm at the Monroe Town Hall, 7 Fan Hill Road, Monroe, CT 06468.

Commissioners Present:                                                             

Gary Fillion, Chairman                                           

Bill May, Treasurer                                   

Lesley Pires, Secretary                                                                                       

Frank Cavallo                                                                

Jerry Kozera

Barbara McWilliams      

Mark Saksa                                                 

Dick Speer


John Downs

Herbert Garber

Gary Fillion, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.

Secretary’s Report:

A motion to accept the minutes as read from the October 5, 2021 minutes was made by Bill May, seconded by Frank Cavallo; the motion was passed unanimously.

Public Comments:

A Monroe resident of Ridge Rd commented that this year’s weed treatment was successful near his home and the results lasted through September.

Correspondence and News Clippings:


Treasurer’s Report:

Bill May, Treasurer, presented account balances, with cash on hand equaling $134,171.88. A majority of the bills are paid for the year except for a $3,600 gas invoice waiting from Lakeside Marina. A $2,500 donation to Candlewood Lake for a cancelled study regarding CO2 and zebra mussels in 2016 was returned. CIRMA insurance was effective October 1st. The remaining tasks are to properly value the boats in the spring, considering the new motors that have been replaced. The attached/removable equipment also needs to be re-evaluated ($4,500 marine radios, etc). The 12 month financial statement ending June 30th 2021 was made available. The June 2022 – June 2023 budget will be available next month and voted on in January 2022.

Marine Patrol Report:

Dan Semosky, Marine Patrol Coordinator, reported that the marine patrols are now done. The annual drawdown patrol was performed on the Chairman Fillion’s boat. The sandbar is extended down further. There is more debris, but the lake was not in bad condition. There is a tree trunk obstruction just 100 yards north of Jackson cove, just feet off the shore. FirstLight may not remove any debris that is still attached to the shore, so they will be notified that the trunk can be removed. The old Bennetts bridge at the end of Riverside Road, towards Southbury, at the mouth of the Pomperaug River, has two buoys marking it, it is still there in the lake. Dan inquired about getting LZA identification cards for commissioners and representatives. Gary will talk to the town officials in Newtown to see if they can assist.

Publicity/ Public Awareness:

Lesley Pires reported that the LZA website has been rebuilt and is actively being updated. An article featuring anti-zebra mussel gear for docks in the Better Boater magazine will be posted on the website.  

Water Quality / Grants Report:

Chairman Gary Fillion reported that there was one buoy missing from the lake but the LZA is still not able to find it. The water temperature on November 1st was 44 degrees Fahrenheit. Visitors should be prepared for hypothermic waters. Death can occur in 1-2 hours when the water is freezing to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Below freezing, a person may survive only 15 to 45 minutes when submerged. The channel is now open near the I-84 construction zone, there is still a no wake zone.

Boats and Motors Report:

Dick Speer reported that both boats are out of the water. A quote regarding a replacement prop in the spring will be secured.


The 2022 CT DEEP Nonpoint Source 319 Request for Proposals is currently seeking grant applications. Section 319 of the Federal Clean Water Act (Section 319) is a Federal program to control nonpoint sources (NPS) of water pollution.  Connecticut receives funds from EPA for Section 319 grants that can be passed onto communities, local conservation groups, and other organizations for NPS implementation projects, plans, and statewide NPS management efforts.  Dan suggested a public education and enforcement campaign for PFD’s may be a worthy cause since most infractions this year were due to lack of PFD’s. The deadline for proposals to be received is December 22, 2021. Commissioner Barbara McWilliams volunteered to write the proposal.

Unfinished Business:


New Business

More appropriate writing for the LZA Patrol Boats was discussed. Commissioners will inquire about the word “Police” being displayed on the boat in efforts to further reduce illegal wakes on the lake. A more appropriate style boat was also discussed.


A motion to adjourn was made by Frank Cavallo, seconded by Bill May, the motion was passed unanimously. Gary Fillion adjourned the meeting at 7:58.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lesley Pires, Secretary

The minutes are not considered official until approved at the next regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority to be held on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 7:00 pm at the Oxford Town Hall.

Click here to download the 11-02-2021 Minutes

Click here to preview the proposed agenda for the 12-07-2021 LZA Meeting