Lake Zoar Authority
P.O. Box 931
Southbury, CT 06488
Email: [email protected]
Member Towns
The regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority was held on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Monroe Town Hall.
Commissioners Present:
Barbara McWilliams, Chairwoman
John Downs
James Galarneau
Tim Glover
Dennis Lawler
Bill May, Treasurer
John Morin
Lesley Pires
Mark Saksa
Dick Speer
Jerry Kozera
Call to Order
Chairwoman Barbara McWilliams called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.
Secretary’s Report:
Chairwoman Barbara McWilliams made a correction to the May 9, 2023 minutes, in that FirstLight is not obligated to remove loose debris within 100 feet of shore.
A motion to accept the corrected minutes from the May 9, 2023 meetings was made by Lesley Pires, seconded by Bill May; the motion was passed unanimously.
Public Comments:
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Bill May presented account balances, with cash on hand equaling $51,373.54. The request to release the funds from member towns will be made this month.
A motion to pass the treasurer’s report was made by Lesley Pires seconded by Tim Glover the motion was passed unanimously.
Marine Patrol Report:
Marine Patrol Coordinator Dan Semosky reported the first patrol date was cancelled due to rain on May 23rd. The first patrol took place on May 24th. There were 52 enforcements (including 7 infraction tickets) by the end of May, over four patrols. The infractions consisted of fisherman in the danger area of the Shepaug Dam north of the do not pass sign, unregistered boats, no safe boating certificates, and riding a small toddler on the front of a jet ski. Common enforcements were failure to display the correct registration decal and failure to wear a PFD, which is required through the month of May. Marine Patrol removed floating debris three times, and towed two boats. Officer Felicia Figol is planning to conduct officer training for stolen jet ski investigations. Dan requested the non-entry sign at the Shepaug Dam be enlarged.
Publicity/ Public Awareness:
Lesley and driver Mike Gibbons reported on the t-shirt contest with Oxford Middle School. There were 84 submissions. The first and second place winners will receive a cash prize. First, second, and third place will bv offered a Marine Patrol boat ride with their family this summer.
Dennis Lawler reported Microsoft Outlook 365 is being used by commissioners. The Lake Zoar Gmail account has been archived and is no longer in use. The public can contact the LZA by email via [email protected] or Marine Patrol via [email protected] .
A motion to delete the LZA Gmail account was made by Dick Speer, seconded by John Morin, the motion was passed unanimously.
A website subcommittee was formed consisting of Dennis Lawler, James Galarneau, John Morin, and Barbara McWilliams.
Chairwoman Barbara McWilliams reported there were two articles published on May 31, 2023 for the Life Jacket Loaner Stations, in the Newtown Bee and the Voices (Southbury).
Barbara reported there are free If Found Vessel Identification Stickers available from CT DEEP. Request a sticker by emailing the Boating Division at [email protected]. Include the number of stickers you need and your mailing address.
Water Quality
Water Quality Monitoring Committee:
John Morin presented that WCSU will be performing the first cyanobacteria water quality monitoring on June 7, 2023.
A motion to approve the $800 annual cost to continue testing at Kettletown State Park was made by Mark Saksa, seconded by Dennis Lawler. The motion was passed unanimously.
Weed Treatment Committee:
Chairwoman Barbara McWilliams reported that the permit for the first weed treatment has yet to be approved by the CT DEEP. The first treatment is delayed until further notice.
Barbara reported FirstLight has arranged for a second debris removal operation for July 7, 2023.
Boats and Motors Report:
Dick Speer reported that both the boats are in the water for the season. The new boat is being serviced at the dock for equipment and lights. Dick reported the aluminum propellers will still be used on the boats, rather than stainless steel, because the boats are used in shallow water, and will not damage the boat upon impact.
Unfinished Business:
New Business
Chairwoman Barbara McWilliams reported the Algonquin project will be starting in mid-July. The no wake zone may be up to three hundred feet near the construction site.
John Downs demonstrated a Zoll AEDPlus that is used professionally by linemen. John explained that the AED is to be used by trained responders only. The AED’s are $1,800 each. The prospects of having an AED on the boat will be further explored with consideration to law enforcement and driver capabilities.
A motion to adjourn was made by Dick Speer and seconded by Bill May. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:23pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lesley Pires
The minutes are not considered official until approved at the next regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority to be held on July 10, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Newtown Community Center.