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Meeting Minutes February 1, 2022

Lake Zoar Authority

P.O. Box 931

Southbury, CT 06488

Email: [email protected]

Member Towns


The regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority was held on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Monroe Town Hall, 7 Fan Hill Road, Monroe, CT 06468.

Commissioners Present:    

Jerry Kozera, Vice Chairman                

John Downs                                                         

Bill May, Treasurer                      

Lesley Pires, Secretary


Frank Cavallo                

Scott Chin                                                         

Gary Fillion, Chairman                            

Herbert Garber 

Dick Speer

Barbara McWilliams

Mark Saksa

Jerry Kozera, Vice Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:08pm with 5 of 11 members present. Due to lack of quorum, an official meeting could not be held. Commissioners shared the following information:

Bill May, Treasurer, shared account balances, with cash on hand equaling $123,434.90. He shared that he has assembled the budget information requested by the town of Southbury, it is due by February 15, it will be sent this week.

Marine Patrol Coordinator Dan Semosky shared that there is little boating activity on the lake but there have been ice fishers. There have been bald eagle sightings on the lake.

Dick Speer reported he cannot get in contact with several vendors for help with pricing the equipment on the boat because many industry members have closed businesses for the season.

Jerry Kozera, Vice Chairman, dismissed the group at 7:18pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lesley Pires, Secretary

The minutes are not considered official until approved at the next regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority to be held on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Newtown Community Center.

Click here to download the 02-01-2022 Minutes

Click here to preview the proposed agenda for the 3-01-2022 LZA Meeting