Lake Zoar Authority
P.O. Box 931
Southbury, CT 06488
Email: [email protected]
Member Towns
The regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority was held on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Newtown Community Center.
Commissioners Present:
Gary Fillion, Chairman
Jerry Kozera, Vice Chairman
Frank Cavallo
John Downs
Bill May, Treasurer
Barbara McWilliams
Lesley Pires, Secretary
Mark Saksa
Dick Speer
Scott Chin
Herbert Garber
Gary Fillion, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:03pm.
Secretary’s Report:
A motion to accept the minutes as read from the January 04, 2022 minutes was made by Bill May, seconded by Barbara McWilliams; the motion was passed unanimously.
Public Comments:
Correspondence and News Clippings:
Chairman Gary Fillion reported that Candlewood Lake minutes are now available online only, not in print.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bill May, Treasurer, presented account balances, with cash on hand equaling $119,425.81. There are no outstanding bills. There was a town budget meeting at the Southbury town hall on February 28, 2022 in which the LZA treasurer and chairman attended to present budget reports previously mailed to the finance manager. A concern was raised that the weed treatment was performed and paid for in July, after the June 30 fiscal year end, using money set aside from the June 30 ending period. There were also questions about reserves for a second weed treatment, and the LZA treasurer explained that the second treatment is conditional, properly budgeted for, and is much less costly because its only applied to areas as needed, where weeds have regrown, not all 80 acres again. Another issue presented was if the LZA should plan to use money from bank reserves or incoming annual budget funds if the marine patrol boats suddenly needed to be replaced. A discussion was had about provisions for the eventual replacement of the boats. The LZA expressed concerns to the finance board that the town of Southbury does not provide patrol assistance from the Southbury Police Department, while Newtown, Monroe, and Oxford cooperate with staffing requests, and therefore receive money back from the budget when the LZA pays for their service hours, while Southbury does not.
Marine Patrol Report:
Publicity/ Public Awareness:
Water Quality / Grants Report:
Chairman Gary Fillion reported that First Light held an annual shoreline management review meeting. It was announced that the requirement for permitting is now completely online. If residents want to build a new dock, replace an old dock, install a seawall, etc., FirstLight must first permit all construction.
Boats and Motors Report:
Dick Speer reported he will be able to get quotes and begin operations to replace boat lettering before the start of the boating season. Inventory and detailing of the boats will also be performed.
Barbara McWilliams reported that she is waiting on a response from the life jacket’s grant she previously submitted. She requested that a notice be put online for volunteers who are interested in writing state grant proposals for the LZA to make the effort more manageable. Barbara reports she is now working on a grant for the Environmental Professional Organization of Connecticut. Gary suggested a program is needed to alert and advise the townships bordering the lake of when there is a priority to pick up the salt and sand from the road before it goes into the sewer and drains into the lake during the rainy season. Barbara agreed to the proposal.
Unfinished Business:
New Business
There is a new life jacket label regulation. Bill May suggested putting it online to ensure that consumers are purchasing gear that meets the new standards.
A motion to adjourn was made by Jerry Kozera, seconded by Frank Cavallo, the motion was passed unanimously. adjourned the meeting at 7:38pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lesley Pires, Secretary
The minutes are not considered official until approved at the next regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority to be held on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Oxford Town Hall.
Click here to download the 03-01-2022 Minutes
Click here to preview the proposed agenda for the 4-05-2022 LZA Meeting